EastWest PSEi Tracker Fund, No.1 in its category
EastWest PSEi Tracker Fund ranked first among the Equity Index (PSEi) Tracker Funds in the country with 18.10% returns from January to July 2017, according to a recent report on UITF performance by pinoymoneytalk.com, one of the country's top money and finance websites.
EastWest PSEi Tracker Fund is a peso-denominated unit investment trust fund (UITF) that invests in stocks of PSE-listed companies. These index stocks are companies with a proven track record and high daily volume of stock trades. The fund seeks to achieve investment returns that track the performance of the Philippine Stock Exchange Index. Initial investment is only P10,000.
A UITF is a type of investment where your money is pooled with the funds of other investors. The pooled fund is invested in various types of securities with the aim of maximizing returns within reasonable risk levels. EastWest UITFs are available at any EastWest store nationwide. Click here for information on EastWest's UITF products.