Investor Relations Program
nvestor Relations (IR) is a management responsibility that aims to ensure that all stakeholders and potential investors have access to the same level of information. IR provides the linkage between the Bank and market participants and ensures clear communication of developments in all aspects of the business with the objective of assuring fair valuation in the marketplace. IR is also responsible for the strict adherence to the reporting and disclosure standards set by the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Ensure that all corporate information pertaining to business performance, plans and other developments are provided to the investing public in a timely, accurate and credible manner.
Modes of Communications
The Bank ensures that the market or the investing public is fully informed at all times and no investor shall be disadvantaged by lack of access to material information. The Bank communicates to the investing public through the following:
- Disclosure Statements via PSE and filings with SEC
- Press Releases
- Stockholders’ Meetings
- Annual Report
- Company Website
- Investor Presentations (Investor Conferences and One-on-One Meetings)
- Conference Calls